My Must Reads


Here is a list of some of my must read books! First is Harry Potter, but then after that there really isn’t an order. I love all of these books for different reasons! I’ll be adding more and more! So, come back you may just find your next must read book here!


harrypotterEbks116151118 2940044371231_p0_v2_s260x420  Romeo_and_Juliet_by_William_Shakespeare 300_SisterhoodTravelingP18A65FThe_Outsiders_book  816953 11410104 circusinmeblackborder 104379 8306857 15779366 cover35262-medium cover41713-medium cover45198-medium cover46808-medium cover47354-medium cover47589-medium 9780439063357eyesdownload cover34435-medium cover37097-medium cover42732-medium  elsewhere  in-your-room

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